Equivalency in Translation
cultural nuances, dynamic, pragmatic, grammatical, semanticAbstract
This abstract explores the complex concept of equivalence in translation, highlighting its multifaceted nature and the challenges it presents. Equivalence refers to the goal of achieving a similar meaning and effect in the target language as the source text, despite inherent linguistic and cultural differences. The abstract delves into various theories and approaches to equivalence, examining the limitations of achieving perfect equivalence and discussing the importance of context, communicative purpose, and cultural sensitivity in translation. It also briefly touches on the role of technology in facilitating equivalence through machine translation and the ongoing debate regarding the balance between literalness and naturalness in achieving communicative equivalence. This exploration sheds light on the ongoing challenges and evolving approaches to achieving equivalence in the translation process. This paper analyzes the notion of equivalency and its types depending on the context, as well as, search for ways and techniques to translate the equivalency contextually.
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