Basal cell cancer, gistological typesof BCC, diagnosisAbstract
In the structure of malignant neoplasms of the skin, the first place belongs to basal cellcancer. A wide range of clinical manifestations, the complexity of differential diagnosisat the onset of the disease cause an in-depth interest in histological studies. The purpose of this article was to present a detailed analysis and morphological characteristics of the mostcommon histological variants of BCR, both use din the modern WHO classification andalready of historicalinterest. Along with thedescription of eachvariant of BCR, differential diagnostic histological signs and diagnoses with which theyshould be differentiated are given. It is shown that the variety of diseases with whichdifferential diagnosis is required includes both neoplastic and inflammatory diseases. Itis clear that there is a need for routine dermatological examination of patients, including clinicale xamination, non-invasive and invasive histological methods of skin examination, clinical and morphological correlation and, insomecases, immunohis to chemical methods