Founders of National Libraries of the Jadid Movement (Late 19th Century, Early 20th Century)
Jadids, G‘ayrat, ModaroAbstract
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, with the movement of Jadids, several private libraries began to open in Turkestan. Among them were the libraries established by Obidjon Maxmudov, such as “G‘ayrat,” Abdullo Avloni’s “Turon,” the Qoqon-based Jadid Ibrahim Davron’s “Modaro,” Mirzo Xo‘qondiy’s “Ma’rifat,” Isxoqxon Ibrat’s “Kutubxonayi Ibrat” in Namangan, and Isoq Koshipovich’s “Koshifiya.” This article provides information about these libraries.
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