Onomastics as the Science Names


  • Koregdieva Mohinur Ulmas kizi Jondor District No. 1 vocational school teachers
  • Pulatova Madinabona Abdurasulovna Jondor District No. 1 vocational school teachers
  • Alimova Inobat Ibodullayevna Jondor District No. 1 vocational school teachers


anthroponym, Russian anthroponymy, onomastics, name, proper names, science, linguistics, analysis, onymy.


The article focuses on the term onomastics and its meaning, and also examines special onomastic problems from the general range of linguistic positions of proper names in the language. The article argues that Proper names are a part of the language that demonstrates the most paradoxical situations, the analysis of which should contribute to the emergence of new, more in–depth general linguistic concepts.


anthroponym, Russian anthroponymy, onomastics, name, proper names, science, linguistics, analysis, onymy.



How to Cite

Koregdieva Mohinur Ulmas kizi, Pulatova Madinabona Abdurasulovna, & Alimova Inobat Ibodullayevna. (2024). Onomastics as the Science Names. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN NONFORMAL EDUCATION, 4(11), 471–474. Retrieved from https://inovatus.es/index.php/ejine/article/view/4633